Newtown Mall: Hall 202
77A & B Harrison
Corner Bree Streets
Phone: +27 11 036 6491
Johannesburg Church
The head office is based in Johannesburg city center - 77 Harrison corner Bree St. This church targets students, taxi drivers, street vendors, workers and youth in general. With a membership over 500 people (85% youth) ,every year the church loses 50 to 80 members and receives 80 to 100 new members because Johannesburg city is populated by migrant workers and students.
Orange Farm Branch
Based in Driziek 6 - Orange Farm, a township at approximately 50 km south of Johannesburg. This branch was planted on the 4/12/2010 on the last day of the 40 days annual fast. This is a community church of 70 members with about 95% women. Services are held under a tent pitched in Ndebele family's yard.
Madimbo Branch
Based in Venda Limpopo, a village area at approxmately 600 km from  Johannesburg. This branch was planted on the 10/03/2011 after 7 days corporate fast. This community church draws 200 people at its services.


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